Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pet Peeve #1

I have some television pet peeves.  I think probably everyone does if you stop and think about it long enough and I have had just such time.  So I'm numbering this pet peeve because I am pretty sure I will think of another in due time.

There are a lot of cop shows on tv today.  A LOT.  I even believe that you could find a fair amount of pet peeves contained solely within this genre.  For me though, I have noticed something that I can't seem to un-notice and it is inevitable that it occurs on pretty much every cop show, including The Wire, which is just so much better than others it might be its on genre.

So as police officers (detectives, consultants, whoever) look for their given suspect, someone on the show will recognize the "perp" from a few blocks away and yell, "Hey, Stop!  Police!"  The suspect will then turn and run and the attractive actors on these shows will give chase, getting a chance to show us all their wonderful physique.  Here's my pet peeve: Why do the police never bother getting as close to the suspect as they can BEFORE yelling out and identifying themselves?!?!?!  Why not walk up to that person, let your partner circle around, calmly identify yourself, and if the suspect tries to flee, BAM, he or she runs right into your partner?  I accept that we must suspend rationality for many tv shows.  This just happens way too often on way too many shows.  I mean, come on, we have crime scene technicians chasing suspects down alleys and over fences.  It makes no sense.  Who among us can say that if someone yelled at us from a football field away that they were coming to arrest us, we wouldn't run?  I think I would feel silly, even if I knew I were innocent, just standing in one place and waiting for the law enforcement officers to finally make it over to me to arrest me.  Plus, I don't know that I have enough faith in law enforcement that I would believe they would figure out that I was, in fact, innocent.  So of course people run!  And then in shows there are comments like "Why do they always run?"   Because you announce yourself as coming to get them!

Come on now.  I am ready for a cop show that feels confident enough to give up the "chase scene."  Anyone else?